Press Kit

What is GayMovieDB?

Founded in 2018, Gay Movie Database aims to be the most complete online resource for everything related to LGBTQ+ cinema.
Including TV shows and short films, Gay Movie Database strives to encompass all queer cinema and make it easily accessible for our users to uncover new and interesting titles that they may not have discovered before.
The Database encompasses many special interest genres (from “Transgender” to “Bear”) including short films and independent films that have never gained their share of media exposure previously.
Our titles have a “Queer Factor” score to them; it’s our proprietary rating system that scores a title on how much of the titles content is relevant to the LGBTQ+ community.

Current Statistics

Short Films
TV Shows
TV Seasons

Logo Rules and Usage Guidelines

GayMovieDB reserves all rights to its property including (but not limited to) the name and logo, Queer Factor, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies the source or origin of any of GayMovieDB’s products. Please do not modify/change the logo in any way.
By using the GayMovieDB’s logos, you agree to follow the guidelines laid out above, as well as our Terms of Service. GayMovieDB reserves the right to cancel, modify, or change these permissions in these guidelines at any time at its sole discretion. For further information about use of the GayMovieDB name and trademarks, please contact us. Any usage of our property, against the guidelines laid out above, may result in legal action for misrepresenting the GayMovieDB brand.